Bedford High School Alumni Association



Congratulations to the Bedford High School Football Team! SEC Red Division Champs and MHSAA State playoff qualifier. Keep It Going Mules!!!

We need your help! As many of you know, the Bedford High School Alumni Association is still paying on the note for the Bedford Community Stadium, which is the home field for the Bedford Mules football team. The current balance is $280,000 on the one million dollar loan. We are proud of our community and its reputation and that’s why in 1997 we decided to make the stadium our first special project that is now benefiting everyone who lives here. Please become part of one of the largest privately funded projects in the State of Michigan. Here is how you can “Be A Part Of It”:

1. “Community Rewards Card Program”. Every time a person uses one of the special “Rewards” cards that we issue for use at the Schoolhouse Lunchroom in Lambertville, we receive 10% of the purchase to be used toward reducing the stadium loan. There is no cost for the card.

2. Purchase a custom engraved brick with your personal message. These bricks will pave a pathway of pride throughout the Community Stadium and will be a lasting reminder of the contributors. The bricks make a wonderful gift or memorial. The cost to purchase a brick is $100 for a 4”x 8” or $200 for an 8”x 8” brick.

3. “Make A Pledge” to the Bedford Community Stadium over 5 years. Your name will be included on a plaque on the “Recognition Wall of Fame” (located at the east end of the stadium) with a pledge of $1,000 ($200 per year) or more.

4. Attend one of our “Charity Poker Events”. We have scheduled 4 event dates with the new Players Poker Club in the Bedford Plaza (next to Mancino’s Pizza & Grinders) at 7200 Lewis Avenue. The dates are November 6,7,8, 9,18,19,20,21 and December 9,10,11,12,17,18,19,20.

5. Become an active member of the Bedford High School Alumni Association. We are a group of BHS graduates and others who are interested in the well being of Bedford High School. We meet the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Bedford High School in Room B-6. No membership fee is required and membership is open to everyone whether you are a Bedford graduate or not.

6. Volunteer to help with any of our fundraising activities.

If you would like more information on how you can “Be A Part of It” please contact President Chuck Faller: 419-290-6382.



We are proud to announce that the following individuals and team will be inducted into to the Bedford High School Alumni Association Hall of Fame on September 12, 2009:

Martin “Bill” Hammerstein Jr. (Class of 1959 – Athletics)
Steve Danforth (Class of 1969 – Athletics)
Terri Blok (Bosma) (Class of 1977 – Athletics)
Matthew Bell (Class of 1991 – Music & Post High School Accomplishments)
Tony Gill (Class of 1991 – Athletics)
Phyllis McMacken-Maschke (Teacher)
The 1966 Bedford High School Football Team (Coached by Ray Kwiatkowski - see list of team members and coaches below)

Bedford High School Varsity Football Team 1966

Roy Butler, Dave Covell, Douglas Dold, Mike Ferguson, Bruce Gamby, Dennis Hubbard, Tom Johnson, Dick Kindle, Pat Leonhardt, Dave Long, Chris McMacken, Chuck Meader, Mike Milano, Kinsley Renshaw, Wayne Rumple, Guy Seymour, Joe Urbaniak, Fred Warren, Bill Wingate, Jim Bacon

Jerry Brescol, Thomas Dusseau, Rob Edgington, Tim Fitzmorris, Robert Hudson, Darrell Mossburg, Paul Preketes, Mark Sherer, Gary Sherman, Norm Shinkle, Tom Towne

Sophomores: Roger Brown, Blaine Geer

Coaching Staff
Ray Kwiatkowski, Al Studer, Larry Tuttle, Jerry Berndt, Bill Regnier, Duane Hall, Larry Skeldon, Gary Vischer, Tom Ritz, John MeKee, Tom Swan, Ron Pollock, John Harding, Lee Jones

Managers: Phil Covell, Mike Wachtell, Bruce Dull, Mike Phillips, Tom Hendrix, Steve Lennex

The inductees will be introduced to the public on Friday, September 11, 2009 at half time of the Bedford High School Football Game. The induction banquet will take place at Bedford High School on Saturday, September 12, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. The Hall of Fame Banquet is where we officially induct and recognize those people whose extraordinary achievement has brought honor and prestige to Bedford High School. This is our tenth year of sponsoring this prestigious event. As details for the banquet are finalized they will be posted on this web site.

Again this year, the Alumni Association will offer sponsorship/advertising opportunities to local businesses and individuals. The sponsorship is $200. Donors will be recognized in the Hall of Fame Banquet program and will also receive an 8”x8” brick which identifies the donor as a Hall of Fame Sponsor for 2008. The bricks will be placed permanently in Alumni Plaza adjacent to the Victory Bell at the Bedford Community Stadium. Anyone who would like to become a sponsor should complete a sponsor form.

If anyone has questions or would like to assist with the 2009 Hall of Fame banquet they should contact Gene Stock.



Click here for Alumni Newsletters

Click here for the "Class Notes" page.

Click here for the link to the Bedford High School Class of 1959 Web Site.



Up-Date: March 19, 2009








Howard Hale: Teacher and Coach at Bedford High School. Photo taken at the BHS Alumni Florida Reunion March 14, 2009. Mr. Hale still looks great at age 85!



















Up-Date:  March 6, 2009

                        Bedford Alumni Association Booth at the BBA Trade Fair



Photos for the 2008 Bedford High School Alumni Association Hall of Fame:


                            Hall of Fame Banquet February 28, 2009

            Joe Caruso, Mark Banks, Don Geis, Janet Geis, Mary Linzie, Jennifer Bringman West, Kellie Nowak, Michelle Andrews King, Kevin Vogel