Bedford Community Stadium
A Privately Funded Project of the Bedford High School Alumni Association
Located on Jackman Road in Temperance, Michigan between Bedford High School and Bedford Junior High School
Quick Links: Loan History Grogan's Towne Field Barron Insurance Questions & Answers Naming Rights Schedule Brick Order Form
A Brief Overview of the Bedford Community Stadium Project
The Bedford Community Stadium is exactly that: a "Community Stadium". Built by the community. Built for the community. And embodying the best the community has to offer. In 1995, a group of concerned citizens, Bedford High School Alumni and Bedford Public Schools administrators met to assess the condition of the old high school stadium and to develop a plan to build a new, more functional stadium. Their objective was only to meet the needs of the school and its various athletic and performing arts organizations, but to have the stadium serve as a community resource at well. From that point, the Bedford High School Alumni Association was formed and named the Bedford Community Stadium as its first special project. The stadium committee developed the following mission statement: "To build a quality community stadium based on a well thought out master plan which will be a source of real, long-lasting community pride." Click here to read history of Bedford Community Stadium Committee.
Fundraising for the project began in January of 1996. A conceptual model of the new community stadium was completed and was on display at the Bedford Trade Fair in March of 1996. The new stadium was constructed as part of the sports complex that housed a running track which is located behind the Bedford Junior High and High School buildings at Dean and Jackman Roads. Actual construction of the stadium began in the summer of 1996 with the renovation of the of the grass surface inside the track. An underground sprinkler system was also added at that time. Fundraising efforts continued into the spring of 1997. During this period of time the stadium committee had secured enough money from various fund-raisers, donor pledges and in-kind donations to secure a $1,000,000 loan to complete phase I of the stadium project (click here to read Bedford Board Resolution for Loan and payment schedule). Construction of phase I was completed in the fall of 1997. The first football game was played in the new stadium on October 3, 1997 in front an estimated crowd of 7,000 fans. Click here to read newspaper articles written about the stadium project from 1995 to 1998.
If you have questions concerning the Bedford Community Stadium Project please contact Gene Stock.
March 2016
Shown at the left is a very nice photo on the front page of the March 8, 2016 Bedford Press concerning the scale model of a porta-john that the Alumni Association is using as a donation container for Phase 3 of the Bedford Community Stadium Project. Special thanks go out to local Bedford Township resident, Mike Jacobs, for donating his labor to construct this model. Click here for more information concerning what is involved in Phase 3 of the project.
Click here to read a copy of the March 8, 2016 issue of the Bedford Press
October 2015:
Fund raising has begun to raise funds for permanent restrooms at the Bedford Community Stadium
An account was set up in 2012 to accept donations for permanent restrooms. Barron Insurance Company is currently donating $4,000 per year toward the permanent restrooms.
Click here to read the details concerning the donation by Barron Insurance.
Click here to view more information concerning the permanent restrooms.
Media Coverage:
Toledo Blade December 14, 2015: Bedford alumni raising money for more amenities at stadium.
July 2015:
Alumni Association Special Announcement
Attention All BHS Alumni and Bedford Supporters!
There will be an informational meeting for persons interested in joining the Bedford High School Alumni Association. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, August 5 th 2015 at 7:00PM in Study Room C at the Bedford Branch Library. This meeting will be held to discuss the history and future of the Association, and to answer any questions about the organization that anyone may have.
The 50 th Anniversary Celebration of the current BHS building on Jackman and Dean Roads which is scheduled for September 25 th & 26 th has sparked renewed interest by many BHS Alumni in joining the BHS Alumni Association. Congratulations to the planning committee for doing a great job of organizing this event. You have our total support! We all are looking forward to attending the 2-day event and helping out in any way that we can. Click here for information concerning the 50th Anniversary Celebration.
Over the past 19 years many dedicated people have worked hard in leadership roles to keep the BHS Alumni Association an outstanding community organization. Since the Alumni Association was established back in January of 1996, the hope has been that more alumni would get involved in leadership roles, but that has not happened. Currently, thanks to the generosity of Grogan’s Towne and Barron Insurance for assuming paying off the Bedford Community Stadium loan, there is no outstanding debt for the Alumni Association to worry about for phase 1 of the Bedford Community Stadium project.
Currently there is an account set up for donations to construct permanent restrooms at the Bedford Community Stadium. Barron Insurance is currently donating $4,000 per year to this fund. Click here for more information concerning the Bedford Community Stadium project phases.
The BHS Alumni Association was formed:
1. To encourage camaraderie between Bedford graduates and others who are interested in the well-being of Bedford High School.
2. To provide assistance for current students.
3. To keep members informed about what is happening at Bedford High School and with other members.
4. To undertake special school related projects.
5. Sponsor the Bedford High School Hall of Fame. The purpose of the BHS Alumni Association Hall of Fame is to recognize outstanding achievements (i.e. way above and beyond the norm) of primarily Bedford High School alumni (students, athletes, post graduate successful alumni, teams and organizations) and secondarily staff (teachers, coaches, administrators and other staff members) and other supporters.” Click here for additional information concerning the BHS Alumni Association Hall of Fame.
Click here for additional information concerning the BHS Alumni Association or contact Alumni Association President Chuck Faller at 419-290-6382
Media Coverage of the August 7th Meeting:
Bedford Press July 27, 2015: BHS Alumni Association seeking new members that want to get involved
Monroe News July 27, 2015: Bedford Alumni Association Announcement
Questions and Answers Concerning the Bedford High Alumni Association and the Bedford Community Stadium Project
Listed below are recent questions and answers concerning the Bedford High School Alumni Association and the Bedford Community Stadium Project.
Questions concerning the Alumni Association should be directed to Alumni Association President, Chuck Faller. Questions concerning the Bedford Community
Stadium Project should be directed to Bedford Community Stadium Committee Co-Chairman Gene Stock
If you have questions concerning the stadium loan, you should contact Laura Collins, BHS Alumni Association Treasurer or Sharon Ramirez, BPS Chief Financial Officer
1. What was the Bedford Community Stadium Project? Who started it?
The Bedford Community Stadium Project was the first special project of the Bedford High School Alumni Association. Click here to read the history of the Bedford Community Stadium Committee.
2. How was the Bedford Community Stadium Project financed?
3. Who is paying the off the loan of $1 million debt for the construction of the Bedford Community Stadium?
The debt was being paid by the Bedford High School Alumni Association through donations and fund raisers until 2011. Annual payments were made each year to Monroe Bank and Trust who financed the loan. Click here to view the history concerning the loan from 1997 to 2011. The original agreement with MB&T signed in July 1997 called for payments of $100,000 per year for 5 years with the balance due at maturity at an interest rate of 5.35 %. Over the years, MB&T has renegotiated the original agreement with the Alumni Association and Bedford Public Schools to extend the agreement, lower the interest rate and lower the amount of the annual payments. Click here to view the original loan agreement along with the revised payment schedule. See question #4 below to read about who is currently paying the debt on the loan.
4. What is the current status of the debt owed on the Bedford Community Stadium?
In June of 2011, Grogan’s Towne car dealership in Toledo agreed to pay on the stadium debt. They negotiated a contract with Bedford Public Schools and the BHS Alumni Association to make payments of $24,000 per year for 12 years in exchange for naming rights to the stadium field and other advertising on the Bedford Public Schools property. Click here to view the media coverage of the agreement which gives the details.
In February of 2012 Barron Insurance located in Temperance Michigan agreed to also pay on the stadium debt. They negotiated a contract with Bedford Public Schools and the BHS Alumni Association to make payments of $10,000 per year to the BHS Alumni Association, $6,000 would go toward the stadium debt and $4,000 would be set aside to start a fund to build permanent restroom facilities at the stadium. In exchange for their payment each year Baron Insurance would receive advertising at the stadium. Click here to view the media coverage concerning the agreement with Barron Insurance.
If you have questions concerning the stadium loan, you should contact Laura Collins, BHS Alumni Association Treasurer or Sharon Ramirez, BPS Chief Financial Officer
5. What is the current status of the Bedford High School Alumni Association?
The Alumni Association has not been as active for the past couple of years as it was from 1996-2013. Yes, there still is a Bedford High School Alumni Association, but it consists of basically 4 people who have pretty much done everything for the past 2 years. Many people have put in a great deal of time for the association in the past, but our lives are all at a point that we simply do not have that kind of time to commit anymore. The last major event sponsored by the Alumni Association was the Hall of Fame banquet in October of 2013.
Over the past 19 years many dedicated people have worked hard in leadership roles to keep the BHS Alumni Association an outstanding community organization. Since the Alumni Association was established back in January of 1996, the hope has been that more alumni would get involved in leadership roles, but that has not happened. With the 50 th Anniversary of the current BHS building celebration going on in September this may be a good time for BHS alumni to get involved with the Alumni Association. It would be nice to see some people who would like to run for officers and take an active role in revitalizing the Alumni Association .Currently, thanks to the generosity of Grogan’s Towne and Barron Insurance for assuming paying off the Bedford Community Stadium loan, there is no outstanding debt for the Alumni Association to concentrate their fund-raising efforts. Their efforts now can be spent on why the Association was formed:
1. To encourage camaraderie between Bedford graduates and others who are interested in the well-being of Bedford High School.
2. To provide assistance for current students.
3. To keep members informed about what is happening at Bedford High School and with other members.
4. To undertake special school related projects.
Click here to view complete information concerning the Alumni Association, including the history and constitution of the Association.
6. Is the BHS Alumni Association a 501c3 organization? (A 501c3 organization is a United States nonprofit organization that has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service to be tax-exempt under the terms of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code) What is the current status of the of 501c3?
Yes, the BHS Alumni Association is a certified 501c3 Organization with all donations made to the organization being tax deductible. According to the BHS Alumni Association Treasurer, Laura Collins, the current status is up-to-date (July 2015). All filing requirements have be met each year with Federal Government and the State of Michigan. Click here to view the current 501c3 information concerning the Bedford High School Alumni Association. Please contact BHS Alumni Association Treasurer Laura Collins if you have any questions concerning the the status of the 501c3.
7. Is the Alumni Association still accepting donations toward the stadium project, Alumni Association scholarships, Hall of Fame and other general donations to the Association?
Yes, the Alumni Association is still accepting donations. Click here to view the various methods of donating.
8. Is the Alumni Association participating in the 50th Anniversary Celebration on September 25 & 26, 2015
Yes, a current officer of the Alumni Association is serving on the planning committee and other members are planning on attending future meetings to offer their assistance with the event. The Alumni Association has supported this event since the event was announced. Another member of the Association has been posting information on the Bedford Yes Web site in cooperation with the committee chairman, Evelyn Powers since May 2015 to publicize the event. On June 27, 2015 it was suggested to committee Chairman Evelyn Powers, by an Alumni Association member: “It would be a great idea to have a couple of the current Alumni Association officers attend the next 50th Anniversary Celebration meeting. It would be nice to see some new Alumni get involved with the BHS Alumni Association. It also would be to the committee's advantage to be able to use the Alumni Association's current 501c3 status if the group needs to purchase anything for the celebration without having to pay any sales tax.” The Committee Chairman, Evelyn Powers responded “I do want to use the Alumni Association's 501(c)(3) for this Event”.
Click on the graphic on the left to view the posts by Gene Stock, member of the BHS Alumni Association on the Facebook Page " If you grew up in Bedford Township, MI, you might remember........" These posts concern publicizing the 50th Anniversary Celebration by posting information on the Bedford Yes web site which was supported and encouraged by the 50th Planning Committee Chairman, Evelyn Powers.
September 2014:
Football Field at Bedford Community Stadium Vandalized
Very sad news to report! The football field at the Bedford Community Stadium has been vandalized. The damage is serious enough to require major sod replacement and has required Bedford Public Schools to cancel football games scheduled to be played at the stadium. School officials promise to prosecute whoever is responsible. Anyone with information should call the Monroe County Sheriff's Office at 734-240-7409. Please share this information on your Facebook page and/or email this information to everyone you know to get the word out. Let’s assist BPS in finding who did this damage.
Click here to view the complete details and media coverage of this vandalism.
Breaking News:
Great News! Police plan to file charges against 3 people who they feel vandalized the football field at the Bedford Community Stadium.
Click here to view the media coverage concerning the arrests of the suspects.
Click on the photo at the left to read the story that appeared in Monroe News November 13, 2013: Band boosters make final payment on concession stands.
Barron Insurance To Pay on Stadium Debt
Click here to read the contract between Bedford Public Schools and Barron Insurance & Financial for stadium advertising signed on March 9, 2012
Monroe News March 3, 2012: Second donor helps pay stadium debt
Toledo Blade February 1, 2012: "Bedford schools offered $10,000 for ad-sign contract"
Grogan's Towne and Bedford Public Schools agree on advertising and naming rights at the Bedford Community Stadium
Grogan’s Towne Field Info:
Click here to view a copy of the agreement between Grogan's Towne and Bedford Public Schools for advertising and naming rights at the Bedford Community Stadium. (8 pages)
Newspaper Articles and Video:
WDIV Detroit September 2, 2011: “School Sells Naming Rights”
Toledo Blade June 8, 2011: "Grogan's Towne gets naming rights to field"
If you have questions concerning the stadium loan, you should contact Laura Collins, BHS Alumni Association Treasurer or Sharon Ramirez, BPS Chief Financial Officer
Click here to view a copy of the agreement between Grogan's Towne and Bedford Public Schools for advertising and naming rights at the Bedford Community Stadium. (8 pages)
Click here to view a printable copy of this news story.
Bedford Now April 9, 2011: "School board to consider stadium naming rights deal"
Toledo Blade April 6, 2011: "Auto dealer speeds to deal for naming rights of Bedford field"
Click here to view a copy of the agreement between Grogan's Towne and Bedford Public Schools for advertising and naming rights at the Bedford Community Stadium. (8 pages)
Click here to read the contract between Bedford Public Schools and Barron Insurance for stadium advertising signed on March 9, 2012
If you have questions concerning the stadium loan, you should contact Laura Collins, BHS Alumni Association Treasurer or Sharon Ramirez, BPS Chief Financial Officer
Bedford Press November 9, 2009 "Bedford Alumni Association still working hard to pay off stadium debt"
Quick Links:Phase 2 Construction of the 3 Concession Stands by the Bedford Band Boosters Other Stadiums Field houses Meetings Concerning Phase 3 of Stadium
Phases I & II of the stadium construction are now complete, but we, along with the Bedford Band Boosters are still raising funds to pay off Phases I & II before Phase III can begin.
Click here to watch promotional video of the Bedford Community Stadium project where the 3 Phases of the stadium are explained.
Phase I includes: Click here to view stadium drawing from the Architectural firm of SSOE
Natural turf playing surface
NFL quality goalposts
PA system
"Recognition" Wall
Scoreboard and Message Board
Stadium lights
Three-story press box
Entry Pavilions
Information Center
Aluminum bench seating for 5,000 spectators
Phase II includes:
3 Concession stands (Constructed by the Bedford Band Boosters: Completed in 2000) Click here to read newspaper article about construction of the concession stands.(Bedford Press October 4, 1999)
Click on the photo at the left to read the story that appeared in Monroe News November 13, 2013: Band boosters make final payment on concession stands.
Sidewalks at the west end of the stadium (Construction completed in the fall of 1999).
Permanent restrooms with the possibility of adding meeting rooms or locker rooms under the home stands or at another location near the stadium.
Quick links: 4 options for construction
At the first meeting held on December 8, 2015 the following options were discussed for Phase 3 (proposed construction of permanent rest rooms and meeting rooms at the Bedford Community Stadium. Click on the photos listed below to view various ideas that were presented at the meeting. You can also e-mail your comments questions or suggestions to the Alumni Association:
The 4 options for construction of permanent Restrooms, Team Meeting Rooms and Additional Storage at the Bedford Community Stadium
Click here to view 3 options that were discussed at the meeting along with a 4th option. on December 8, 2015.
Scroll down to see option #4 below
Click here to view additional information concerning Phase 3 of the stadium project.
Option #4
Click here to view a suggested revised plan for the home restroom configuration which incorporates team meeting rooms and storage under the home stands. This plan would combine both home side restrooms (which originally called for 2 separate restrooms located at the east and west end of the home stands) into one building located under the home stands behind the press box wall. Team meeting rooms and storage would be built under the home stands from the rest rooms out to the end of each side of the home stands. This plan would solve the potential problem of congestion if the rest rooms were located near the concession stands at each end of the home stands.
The original plans from 1996 (SSOE) suggested the following for construction of permanent restrooms at the Bedford Community Stadium.
Click here to watch promotional video of the Bedford Community Stadium project which shows the planned locations of the 3 restrooms. (Please note that this plan can be changed for other configurations or locations)
Click here to view drawings by SSOE of proposed home Rest Rooms and their location at the Bedford Community Stadium
Click here to view proposed visitor rest rooms and their location at the Bedford Community Stadium.
Click here to view drawings of Rest Room Floor Plans
Click here to view drawings of Rest Room Wall Sections
Click here to view drawings of Rest Room Framing & Foundation Plans
Click here to view drawings of Rest Room Plumbing Diagram
Click here to view drawings of Rest Rooms Electrical Diagram
Please note that all utilities have been installed underground for the Rest Rooms (Water Lines, Electrical Lines and Sewer Lines). Click here to view the Utility Diagrams.
An account was set up in 2012 to accept donations for permanent restrooms. Barron Insurance Company is currently donating $4,000 per year toward the permanent restrooms.
Click here to read the details concerning the donation by Barron Insurance.
Other Stadiums in the SEC and Northwest Ohio
Rendering from Hartselle High School Field House
Florence High School Field House
Bedford Alumni Association Meetings concerning Phase 3 of the stadium project:
Shown at the left is a very nice photo on the front page of the March 8, 2016 Bedford Press concerning the scale model of a porta-john that the Alumni Association is using as a donation container for Phase 3 of the Bedford Community Stadium Project. Special thanks go out to local Bedford Township resident, Mike Jacobs, for donating his labor to construct this model. Click here for more information concerning what is involved in Phase 3 of the project.
Click here to read a copy of the March 8, 2016 issue of the Bedford Press
Meeting March 21, 2016:
Click here for more information concerning what is involved in Phase 3 of the project.
The Bedford Alumni Association will host at least 2 meetings to get input from Bedford Community in regards how to proceed with Phase 3 of the Bedford Community Stadium project: Permanent Rest Rooms, Team Meeting Rooms and Additional Storage. As soon as we have enough input from the community we will decide on a plan of action. We want to do what is best for Bedford students and the Bedford Community. We feel that this could create the same excitement that took place when we proposed the Bedford Community Stadium project back in 1995. You can also e-mail your comments questions or suggestions to the Alumni Association:
The meetings will take place at the Bedford High School Media Center @ 7:00 p.m. on the following dates:
Tuesday December 8, 2015
Tuesday January 12, 2016
Click here to view the new Bedford High School Alumni Association web site for additional information and the latest news.
Meeting December 8, 2015:
The first meeting to discuss the proposed construction of permanent rest rooms and meeting rooms at the Bedford Community Stadium was held on December 8, 2015. Click on the photos listed below to view various ideas that were presented at the meeting. The next meeting to get input from the public will be held on January 12, 2016 in the BHS Media Center @ 7:00 p.m. You can also e-mail your comments questions or suggestions to the Alumni Association:
The 4 options for construction of permanent Restrooms, Team Meeting Rooms and Additional Storage at the Bedford Community Stadium
Click here to view 3 options that were discussed at the meeting along with a 4th option. on December 8, 2015.
Scroll down to see option #4 below
Click here to view additional information concerning Phase 3 of the stadium project.
Option #4
Click here to view a suggested revised plan for the home restroom configuration which incorporates team meeting rooms and storage under the home stands. This plan would combine both home side restrooms (which originally called for 2 separate restrooms located at the east and west end of the home stands) into one building located under the home stands behind the press box wall. Team meeting rooms and storage would be built under the home stands from the rest rooms out to the end of each side of the home stands. This plan would solve the potential problem of congestion if the rest rooms were located near the concession stands at each end of the home stands.
Media Coverage:
Toledo Blade December 14, 2015: Bedford alumni raising money for more amenities at stadium.
Bedford Community Stadium Video
Click here to watch promotional video of the Bedford Community Stadium project.
Click here to read newspaper article concerning former Detroit Piston Bill Laimbeer helping to raise funds for the stadium.
Click here to see photos of Bill Laimbeer at the fundraising dinner.
Click here to read newspaper article concerning University of Michigan Football Coach Bo Schembechler helping to raise funds for the stadium.
Click here to see photos of Bo Schembechler at the fundraising dinner.
Other Past Fundraisers:
February 26, 2011: Casino Trip & Dinner
November 18, 2010: Dinner Fundraiser at Doolittle's
November/December 2009: Players Club Charity Poker Fundraiser
2004-05-06-07: Bedford Alumni Basketball Game vs TV-13 All-Stars
2001-02-03-04-05-06-07: Reverse Raffle
2000 to present: Bedford High School Alumni Association Hall of Fame Also click here to see 2009 HOF announcement which will show a fund-ra sing opportunity as a HOF sponsor.
1998: "Be A Part Of It Donor" Program
1998: Stadium Dedication 1998 List of Donors
1997: Bedford Community Stadium Candy Bar
1996: Donor naming rights and donations. (Presentation Booklet, Card and Envelope)
Bedford Community Stadium Current Fundraising Efforts
We are proud of our community and its reputation and that’s why in 1997 we decided to make the stadium our first special project that is now benefiting everyone who lives here. Please become part of one of the largest privately funded projects in the State of Michigan. Here is how you can “Be A Part Of It”:
Buy A Brick
1. Purchase a custom engraved brick with your personal message. These bricks will pave a pathway of pride throughout the Community Stadium and will be a lasting reminder of the contributors. The bricks make a wonderful gift or memorial. The cost to purchase a brick is $100 for a 4”x 8” or $200 for an 8”x 8” brick. Click here to download a buy a brick form.
Make A Pledge
2. “Make A Pledge” to the Bedford Community Stadium over 5 years. Your name will be included on a plaque on the “Recognition Wall of Fame” (located at the east end of the stadium) with a pledge of $1,000 ($200 per year) or more. Click here to download a pledge form.
Membership For for the BHS Alumni Association
3. Become an active member of the Bedford High School Alumni Association. We are a group of BHS graduates and others who are interested in the well being of Bedford High School. No membership fee is required and membership is open to everyone whether you are a Bedford graduate or not. Click here for more info concerning the BHS Alumni Association. Click here to download a membership form.
Naming Rights Form for the Bedford Community Stadium
4. Click here to download a printable copy of the current list of naming rights and advertising opportunities for Bedford Community Stadium. These new opportunities were announced January 2011.
Click here to download a printable copy of the "Bedford Community Stadium Clubs" form.
Hall of Fame Brick Sponsor
5. Click here to view a printable copy of the Hall of Fame Brick Sponsor Form.
Bedford Community Stadium Photos
Stadium Model
Home Stands Visitor Stands
Bedford Track Photos: 1996
Location of current home stands looking west. Location of current visitor stands looking west.
West End East End
Construction Photos: 1996
Renovation of playing surface and installation of irrigation system.
Fundraising Dinner with Bill Laimbeer
Click here to read newspaper article concerning former Detroit Piston Bill Laimbeer helping to raise funds for the stadium.
Opening Night Photos
Click her to read the newspaper story about the opening of Bedford Community Stadium.
Fundraising Dinner with Bo Schembechler
Click here to read newspaper article concerning University of Michigan Football Coach Bo Schembechler helping to raise funds for the stadium.
1998 Stadium Dedication
Bedford Soccer & Lacrosse
Bedford Boys Lacrosse
Current News:
Click here to view Bedford Press Article September 7, 2015 "Bedford Boys Soccer To Kick Off Campaign To Renovate Stadium"